Prayer. Time. Talents. Finances.

Why Should I Donate?


RawDisciple Ministries is a ministry of hope and encouragement inspired by the grace of God. My name is Justin Ludwig and I am a man completely changed by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. I started this ministry for one simple purpose, to glorify Jesus Christ to everyone I possibly can, online as well as in the streets. I spent most of my life feeling hopeless because I thought I knew God. I was deceived by a lifetime of tainted experiences with Christians which led me to the conclusion that God just wasn’t for me. (My Testimony). I simply didn’t know….. I didn’t know how much God loved me…. I didn’t know that He desperately wanted me. In hindsight, I knew without question that I could never measure up, so I never even tried….. So I suffered alone in the darkness with no desire for God…..because I thought I knew.

It weighs heavy on my heart that there are so many fooled by the same lie. Right this moment, people are condemned to hell because they believe a lie….we cannot remain silent!

I, and those who support this ministry, refuse to stand by silently and let the enemy continue to deceive the world. RawDisciple Ministries reaches the far corners of the earth by sharing theological teachings via RawDisciple’s online articles and YouTube videos, as well as witnessing and loving by walking the streets and seeking out the lost and broken. We understand and utilize the power of prayer, but we also hold firm to James 2:14-17 which reminds us that if someone is hungry, don’t just pray for their needs, feed them! Whether it be a 5 dollar blessing, a blanket, or buying them lunch, they get to experience the love of God through us! (1 John 4:12)

If the Holy Spirit is pulling at your heart and you would like to help spread the Gospel, ignite hope, and bless those who are crying out for help, I encourage you to donate and help us love in action, in Jesus name.


“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35)

Financial Contributions

RawDisciple Ministries would be honored by any level of financial partnership you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to. On hundred percent of your donation will be used towards our many projects to help bring the love of Jesus to the people in our community and around the world. All online financial donations are handled through Paypal.

What Else does RawDisciple Need?

  • clothing for our street ministry

  • non-perishable food care packages

  • toiletries

  • blankets

  • Bibles

  • Bible study materials (workbooks etc.)

  • Small group Bible curriculum

In Kind Donations

Please fill out the form below to contact us about any in-kind donation you would like to make so that we can coordinate pickup.